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Not Looking for a Commitment? Try These YA Standalone Books.

When everyone is always gushing about the most fantastic new series, standalone novels often get overlooked. However, as an author and avid reader of standalones, I can tell you that some of these books are total diamonds in the rough!

Why read standalones? There’s no commitment for upcoming books, no waiting for that next release in the series, they allow you to try out a new to you genre or author without having to read a ton of books, plus they can make great palette cleansers if you just want something a little lighter/darker/funnier/more dramatic than what you’ve recently been reading. Here are a few to get you started. Hopefully, you’ll give one a try!

If you’ve ever wondered what Dean Winchester would look like as the broody hero in a YA novel, this enemies-to-friends-to-lovers romance is your new favorite read. Full of magic, mythology, and even a witch, this dual point-of-view YA romance will give you all the feels.

YA Standalone Books - Keeper of Shadows

A fun twisting of reality that is a great read for both younger and older YA readers alike.

YA Standalone Books - Clarity Castle

A twisty dark academia that is haunting and atmospheric. A great choice for anyone looking for a great LGBTQ read.

YA Books that Standalone - A Lesson in Vengeance

An amazing Little Mermaid reimagining that will immerse you fathoms deep into an amazing fantasy world.

YA Books that Standalone - To Kill a Kingdom

More Great YA Standalone Options:


This article was written by Scarlett Kol.

Scarlett Kol is the USA Today Bestselling Author of dystopian, paranormal and fantasy novels for young adults. Born and raised in Northern Manitoba, she grew up reading books and writing stories about creatures that make you want to sleep with the lights on. As an adult, she's still a little afraid of the dark. Scarlett lives just outside Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


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