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When Wishes Bleed Bread Pudding

Updated: May 30, 2022

Have you ever read a book that left you hungry? Not just hungry for more from that author, but with an actual craving for a specific food? I'm talking Redwall level "I have no clue what that actually tastes like, but I must find it now! Get in my belly!" type cravings.

No? lol, it may just be me.

When Wishes Bleed by Casey L Bond is a fun dystopian/fantasy blend. Sort of think of the Selection with witches.

Sable is a witch who has been cast out by her community because of her mother. A woman she barely remembers. While they still come to her when in need she never truly feels alone. After all, she must follow Fate's will, and that sometimes includes delivering his vengeance by the noose.

When a man comes for a reading of his future her life is turned upside down. A mysterious assassin, a prince who she shouldn't have feelings for (but when did they ever listen), and the secret to her past make this one of my all-time favorite reads!

Now, onto the food!

No spoilers, but during a meal where Sable meets the prince's family for the first time she tries the king's favorite meal. A sort of bread pudding with what sounds like possibly a creme brulee type top. Eyeing the loaf of sourdough bread that I was sure was too hard to eat at this point I decided to recreate this recipe and add a yummy browned butter glaze on top because browned butter makes everything yummier.

As you can see, Sable mentions that it was almost a sort of sweet bread and if you wanted to be more accurate you can use brioche instead. Honestly, any bread will work. I've even made bread pudding out of cupcakes that had flopped before. Soooo yummy!

If you've never had bread pudding it's not as weird as it sounds. It's sort of like a custard texture and the bread absorbs and adds to the texture. It's also an incredibly affordable recipe! For the ingredients I used I spent less than $3 to make the entire thing and it was incredibly quick and easy!

If you enjoy watching the process the video is up on Tik Tok.

When Wishes Bleed Bread Pudding

Bread Pudding

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, more for greasing pan

  • 2 cups half and half

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 1 pinch cinnamon

  • 1 pinch nutmeg

  • 1 pinch allspice

  • 1/2 cup raisins, optional

  • 4 large eggs, beaten

  • 6 cups of day-old bread, cut into 2-inch cubes

  • 4 tablespoons additional white sugar

Preheat the oven to 350F and grease an 8x8 pan. In a large bowl mix together melted butter and all ingredients other than the bread and extra sugar until blended. Place cubed bread in greased pan and pour melted butter mixture over top. Sprinkle the extra sugar over the top and bake for 40-45 minutes. When done, turn the oven onto top broil and watch for the top to brown. The extra sugar added will turn into the almost creme brulee top. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Browned Butter Glaze

  • 1 1/2 cups Confectioner's sugar

  • 1 pinch Salt

  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract

  • 4 tbsp Butter, unsalted

  • 1 tbsp Milk or half and half

Place butter in a sauce pan over medium heat on the stove and allow to sit. You will start to hear it pop and bubble a bit. Let it keep going until it goes silent. If you want a stronger browned butter flavor shake the pan once and let it go silent again. Immediately remove from heat so it doesn't burn and allow to cool for a couple of minutes. You still want it to be warm, but not so hot that it causes the glaze to separate.

Add in the powdered sugar first and stir to completely mix it. Then add milk, vanilla and salt and mix until smooth. Feel free to test tase, but make sure you have some left. I'm telling you, it's amazing. Immediately pour over cooked bread pudding while warm.


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