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Rule of Shadows Cover Reveal + Giveaway

Are you reading the Shadows & Starlight series? Rule of Shadows, book three, is almost here! If you loved the royal court intrigue of Cruel Prince and the sci-fi, interstellar twist of Cinder, this series is for you!

Without further ado, the cover...

Six names. Six responsible for her fate.

Even if Ana had every name, her path would be difficult. The guilty are powerful, protected, and dangerous. But Ana only has three of the names she needs. In order to claim the rest, she must grant Lady Jacobs three favors.

In doing so, Ana will descend deeper into the dark, glittering world of the Royal City and further away from the protective walls of the Academy. Who will win this game of shadows and crowns?


RULE OF SHADOWS is the third book in the Shadows & Starlight series. If you loved the royal court intrigue of Cruel Prince and the sci-fi, interstellar twist of Cinder, this series is for you!

Book 1: Seven Crowns

Book 3: Rule of Shadows <--- you are here :p

Book 4: Fallen Kingdom

International Giveaway on Instagram

One lucky reader will win a signed paperback (Book 1 or 3) + stickers + $10 Amazon gift card. (If the winner is not located in the USA, the prize will be an ebook + short story + $10 Amazon gift card.)



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- Visit the hashtag #RuleofShadows from April 14th - April 24th, check out the beautiful posts, and follow and interact with tour hosts!


Ends April 24th. Results announced on @evelina.everest's account. Not affiliated or endorsed by Instagram.


This article was written by E.V. Everest.

E.V. Everest is a YA fantasy and sci-fi author, best known for her novel Seven Crowns. Check out more of her work by clicking any of the book covers below.


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