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Fearsome to Fantastic: 9 YA Books with Dragons

I am a big fan of dragons, and I love reading about them. We have all heard of the big names in YA (I'm talking about Eragon, Dragon School, Talon, Seraphina, Firebolt, Firelight, Pern, etc) but there are tons of lesser known YA books with dragons that are just as brilliant!

One thing I love about dragons is that you can include them in any sort of story. Here I have brought together a handful of them, from Pride & Prejudice retellings to fairy tale retellings to post-apocalyptic contests. From dragon shifters, to dragons you can ride, to ones that sit on your shoulder. From dragons at the centre of the story, involved in everything, to dragons being a part of the story at times, and off doing their own thing at other times. From dragons hidden in our world, or urban fantasy, to dragons in a secondary world, or epic fantasy.

I hope this selection shows you the range of dragon stories available for your reading pleasure.

Dragon Fairest by Amberlyn Holland - Dragons in a gender switched Snow White retelling. Curses, compulsions, and magic abound.

Fate of Dragons by Alisha Klapheke - The last human has been brought up by dragons. Can she stop the evil mer queen from drowning the world? Also has tricksy elves, and gambling.

Pemberley: Mr Darcy's Dragon by Maria Grace - Pride and Prejudice re-telling with dragons! How can you resist?

Frost Eater by Carol Beth Anderson - Dragons appear more in the later books, but they rock every scene they're in! I love the magic system in these stories too.

Obsidian by Kimberley Loth - Urban fantasy where dragons have to spend a few years living among humans before they are considered adult.

Dragon's Price by Daniel Potter - Dragons can use their stomachs as a forge. This story also has the best pet spider I've ever read.

The Shadow Games by Alison Ingelby - A dystopian story where the main character finds a snarky dragon to ride on her shoulder.

Dragon by Midnight by Karen Kincy - Cinderella re-telling, where she turns into a dragon at midnight. What more do you need to know?

Dragon Shift by Clarissa Gosling - Dragons are thought extinct, so how can the main character find her dragon mother and the three brothers she's never met?

I am always looking for new dragon stories, so let me know which dragon story you think is a hidden treasure either in the comments below or through social media!


This article was written by Clarissa Gosling.

Clarissa has always lived more in the world of daydream and fiction than in reality. In her writing she explores purpose and belonging across worlds. Having never found her own portal to faeryland, she is resigned to writing about fantastical worlds instead. She now lives in the Netherlands with her family, where she writes as much as they will let her. When not reading or writing, she drinks too much tea and has a burgeoning obsession with Bundt cakes.


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